The Art of Letting Go

Emiliano González Castañón
2 min readSep 29, 2022
Photo by Levi XU on Unsplash

It seems to me that distractions are one of the most difficult things to let go off. Distractions serve a purpose. They keep us busy from standing alone with our own mind. Frightening things can happen inside our heads. Thoughts. Emotions. Impulses. All of which seem that at some point or another have total control over ourselves. But I believe that the worst of them all is doubt. When you start questioning your life, what you want, and what the future beholds, the mind just starts to panic. Anxiety creeps. Everything spirals out of control. You don’t know what to do. Paralysis.

The interesting thing is what happens when you sit down, do nothing, and open the door for all those voices, thoughts, and worries. Yes, they attack you, fill your mind, and make you feel worse than before. But if you just hold on, after a while they start to fade away. Suddenly the mind finds itself at peace, as calm as an undisturbed pond. That’s the beauty of impermanence. Nothing lasts forever.

Ironically, by trying to avoid the voices inside our head we keep them alive more than necessary. Hiding away from them only fuels them to keep messing with you. The only remedy is to confront them directly. Let them be. They key is letting go.

I’m still learning the art of letting go. Probably is something you never truly master as attachment is part of the human condition, but you can get better at it. Humans have been practicing it for centuries, specially through meditation, but nowadays it seems more urgent than before.

What I can say is that my journey is far from ending, actually, it has just started. Fear used to be my natural state of mind, somedays still is. Expectations dictated my behavior. Worry was my best friend.

I don’t know if letting go is the ultimate answer, but I can say that lately I’ve felt more alive than before. I can grasp the detail of the present moment. I have more peace of mind during the day. I do more things that I like. But if I were to be objective my life never changed, just the way I looked at it, and my relationship with my mind.

Coming to terms with circumstances and emotions is hard. But accepting everything that comes our way is rather liberating. Acceptance doesn’t imply conformity. But it’s the first step towards true change.


Be here.


Let go.

